Trainer's Blog
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Follow my blog for a constant stream of great fitness tips and information.
You know how it goes . . . you tell yourself, “This is it. For real this time…” and you get back on that all-chicken, broccoli and water (or whatever combination of “super foods”) diet and before the day is over – you fail.
But why do you fail?
Well, without further ado, the following is a list of characteristics your diet must have (in my professional opinion as a personal trainer) if it is to stand a chance of surviving past dinner.
Routine. It’s a must. No way around it. Jordana Brewster (Vin Diesel’s sister in Fast and Furious) once said, “I like having a routine, because everything else… is so unpredictable.” I could not agree more. And it’s not just because she’s so freakin' hot (well maybe a little…) but because she’s spot on. Wanna know what I consider the greatest threat to any diet? Family. Why? Because they’re whimsical and unpredictable and that equals “the occasional” Friday night ice cream outing… Not only that but they also likely don’t have the same goals you have (zero intention of timing meals, upping their water intake, improving their sleep habits, etc.) which means you have to separate from the herd (to some degree) to succeed. And that’s tough – but necessary. But hold on! Why does family all but want you to fail?!? Because...